One thing for sure. There is no shortage of websites out there that are going to promise that if you just sign up with them that you will soon be making lots and lots of money. Reality is, it is not going to happen. At least not right away and not without some work. The more you look, the more websites you will find making the same promises. You may get a suggestion from a friend or family, through Internet searches or from blogs like this one. Sooner or later you will find one that looks interesting and you might think that this one deserves some of your time. So, how do you know if the sight you are interested in is a good one or not?
Here are a few things you need to know and things you need to look for even before researching a website or before signing up as a member. First, there are no free lunches, no matter what is advertised. You will have to put a certain amount of work in and have lots of patience. If a website says it is "free to join", or "get your free information", it is probably going to cost you something down the road. Many sites are free to join, but in order to make decent money on them you will have to eventually upgrade (hopefully you will be able to use your earnings). Second, there are a few things to look for on a website's home page. The best way to show you is by example.
"Paid to Click" sites are very popular right now and have been for a long time. In fact, there are probably more of these types of sites out there than any other. Most fail because they don't have a good business plan, so they don't last more than a few months. These sites offer you money to click on ads and perform tasks. The good news is that here are some good ones out there, as you will see in the example below.
The example we are going to look at is Neobux (I am a member of this site) also known as the "King of PTC's." So, go ahead and click on the link and I will tell you what to look for. If you look towards the bottom of the page, you will see how many members signed up, how many ads were viewed and how much money was paid to members the previous day. This is a good indicator as to how well a website it doing. Look for these numbers on any website you are considering. Second, look further down to see which payment processors are accepted. If PayPal and Payza are on the list, it is probably a good bet. PayPal and Payza are very leary of these kind of websites because of charge backs. Both have transaction guarantees and they don't want to be paying back disgruntled members because things didn't work out. Here is where you have to be a little careful. Both payment processors will accept payments from just about anyone, but they may not be willing to make a payment (say for an upgrade) to a suspicious website on your behalf. So, if a website will make a payment to your PayPal account, but they will not let you upgrade with it - stay away. Finally, look for a forum. This is where users post comments and ask questions about the website. If there is no forum or there are lots of negative comments, you might want to look for something else.
Next, you need to do is a couple of searches. First, do a whois search and type in the domain name ( in this case). This will tell you where the domain is located, how long the domain has been around, and when the domain will expire. Neobux started in 2008 and the domain is good until 2023. Another good way to look up a website is on vampirestat. If a website has been around over 2 years it is a good bet that they know what they are doing. Next, do a search on the website name followed by "scam." Any negative or positive information can be found this way. If you can find the website owner's name, search on that to see if there is any bad press on that person. It is unfortunate, but all of the above is necessary to make sure that you don't waste your valuable time for nothing.
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