Online game have existed since the beginning of the Internet. Do a search and you can find board games, multiplayer games, action games, adventure games, casino games and more. Over the last few years strategy games have become popular because of the premise they are based on and because you can actually earn money by playing them. They are free to join, fun to play and don't take much of your time. The key to them is to be consistent and try to play everyday. Not that you have to, but the games will progress much faster if you do and you will see earnings much sooner. Three of the most popular strategy games that I play are listed below (including their links), and with a description of each. In future posts I plan to do a full review on each game and provide strategies for playing them.
Officially launched on 08-19-2013, Goldentowns is a free online strategy game that is played straight from your browser. The game is a town construction, political, and
military simulator in which virtual gold can be exchanged for real cash or for real 24k gold. It is the first game in the world that is backed up with real 24k gold. The author comments that, “The game is based on a paper published by Mr. Vlad Cristian (CEO ANNO1777 Labs) in 2011, which describes a deflationary economic system in which the amount of virtual currency is fixed and covered by 100% real gold. In GoldenTowns there is a limited amount of virtual gold (100,000 GoldenTowns
Coins or GTC) which is distributed gradually in a steady pace to players. The
entire amount is covered by a growing amount of real 24k gold in bullion.”
Has been online for over two years and has become very popular lately. MarketGlory is a strategy game, in which you have the possibility to
convert your virtual currency into real money. It is an online browser
game, therefore, you don't need any other programs installed in order to
play. It is one of the few business games where you are rewarded for your daily activity. As a
simulation game, it offers you the possibility to fight, work, open
companies, start wars. It is a very complex game , and the more you play
it, the more options you find for your own development.
Claims to be the first social game in which you can change virtual currency into real money. Online since 2009, Anno1777 claims to have paid out over 333,000 euros during that time. It is very similar in structure to MarketGlory in that it does not have to be downloaded to your computer as it can be played with your browser. The game is an economical, political and military simulator. Virtual money can be exchanged into real
money and back and the time spent in the game can become, gradually,
very profitable.
As with most online earning opportunities you can add some of your own money to the above games to progress faster. Although, I would not recommend it. I view these types of games as entertainment just like any other game. They are interesting and fun, but until I get an actual payout they will continue to be treated as such.
Listed below are several other similar games you might want to take a look at. They all claim to provide earnings for their players. Use your own discretion.
Exodus 3000
New Goldenbattles
New Sportsplays
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